This here are our noble members. Willing to do everything for the Great Journey of {CHAOS}!
Note:Colours match the
rank of the member.

Here are the ranks you can advance in our clan:
Hierarch GWar - He is our leader & high prophet. He is the founder of the {CHAOS} Journey on Halo.
Prophet/Councilor - The highest rank
posible. Prophets help the Hierarch spread the {CHAOS} Journey.Councilors are the ultimate fighters.
- The backbone of {CHAOS}. Elites are skilled & honourable warriors. Willing fighters for the {CHAOS} Journey.
Grunt - These are new in {CHAOS} they have to fight hard to prove their worth, yet they are willing to do so
for the {CHAOS} Journey.
A.I. - Void is responcible for {CHAOS} Instalations across
the {CHAOS} universe. Monitoring & maintaining them. He is also the clan co-leader.
Note:The ranks are simmilar to those found on the main site( check Navigation).
